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Thursday, 26 January 2012

Fiq Opinion bout Pets

-         Hi, wc 2 Fiq’s Blog…today I m gonna talk bout pets. What is pets? For me pets are an animal ex cats, fish, dog, snake etc dat we keep it inside or out of our house …I bet out of 7/10 people has pets. I also has a pets n my pets are cats & fish, for me cats has been an important part in my life and I think in my 24 years old, my house has never ever not  to have pets. Even On my baby picture, there was a cats sitting left and right of my head ( haha ).
-         I’ll even remember when I was at form six, I live alone in my house. So my cats who was my companion. My cats was great, in fact the best in da world, you know, always when subuh prayer, they will always like meowwwwing at my face like wanna wake me up and I’m not bluffing coz it is a true story.
-         Now I got like 6 of them. 3 olds cats and 3 kittens. I love them, 2 of them were yellow  orange colours. Believe or not, I’ll never have cats dat kind of colours and even more special about my cats, their birthday was the night that Malaysia defeat Indonesia in Sea Games football final! I think dat why they looks like Harimau hehe. One of them are black+white and his face OMG so funny, it’s looks like he has a moustache but in kind of funny way. I once have a black kitten that got 6 toes, plus all the toes he got = 24 but recently he died. Poor him.
-         u know what, i just really hate people who don’t want their pets especially kitten because they only want to keep one cats. Well you know what, cats can also give birth! If you don’t want a kitten than just keep male cats. Do not or ever throw a kitten to someone houses or separated them until 3 or 4 month or they hav stop having milk. Because you know, it just can make them died, like human babies, they also need milk because they were young.
-         AK,Please remember when you have a pets you have responsible. If you  afraid cannot fulfill it, then DON’T. 

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